Summer flew by here on the farm and winter weather has already begun. We lost all of our wool & fiber shows of course and were shut out of the South Haven Farmer’s Market but were able to recoup somewhat through on-line sales and a booth at the Portage Farm Market. I think next year we’re going to try to do both South Haven and Portage.
Elmer and Boris continue to grow. They are near as tall as I am now and they still have another year to go before they top out at around 2,000 lbs. They are proving to be of absolutely no practical use whatsoever but I sure am having fun messing around with them. The birds are Amy’s project. She has a pair of Crested Roman Geese, five ducks and about 30 chickens. I can’t wait until the geese start layng next summer. I want eggs but even more I want gooslings. Goose is a mighty tasty meat and in days of yore it was considered a “poor man’s beef.”
I’ve been working on updating the website. Please take some time to check out our new offerings. Christmas is coming!
Greg & Amy